Age: 51
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Married and Cheating
Occupation: hairdresser
Location: va beach, VA. USA
Amazon Wishlist: View

My Biography
LOVES-belgium,netherlands,making money,people telling me i look younger than i am,maurice,loa,praga khan,my hubby,dachshunds.....for some reason the older i get the more i like older men!not old enough to be my dad,but 40ish..i am totally also into 80s music...
HATES-george bush,fake people,annoying people,people that talk on cell phones everywhere and wont even put them down to do things like get a haircut or talking while driving,my mother in law,my sisters in law,not getting paid enough for what i do,our mtv,racism,any kind of prejudice,holy rollers,dave matthews,top 40,psycho clients,my mother in laws twin,people that use people ......i am really against this war!my husbands cousin,all of 18 years old is in afganistan!and thats what he gets for joining the army!people that fucking lie!the ridley family(all of them)
hey everybody!
so you wanna know about me?i was born june 14 1973 in agana guam(thats a territory of the us),i lived there 2 years i dont remember anything about it .then i moved to maryland for a few years ,then moved to norfolk,virginia.when iwas 6 i moved to virginia beach.i have green eyes and currently blonde hair(for now).i have also been doing hair for 14 years..i have a brother and a sister .also i have been married to my hubby chris since sept 27 2003.
i have been mostly vege
tarian since age 6 ,im not totally vegetarian.its not a peta thing,more like i have had some gross instances with meat...i like working out although i cannot say i am hard core about it.i would like to be more hardcore about it so thats something i need to work on.i believe in being healthy and also watching what the hell you eat.a few months ago i tried the south beach you dont realsie how much sugar and bread you are eating till you go on that .wow i dont even eat them anymore and dont miss have a responsibility to yourself to be the best you can be..
i dont try to get a tan becasue it frankly wont happen ,i have tried and tried ..i gave up years ago...sometimes i look at a picture and im thinking "who the hell is that ghost?!!!"....i look younger anyways and wont get the wrinkles so fast....
i really cant stand george bush.hes going to ruin america..hes fucking up social security ,besides looking like somedumb ass.and every day innocent people are getting killed because of his stupid assumptions!i guess you can say im democrat all the way!there was nothing wrong with clinton,who cares if he couldnt keep his pants on....
there is nothing wrong with smoking pot either,if the cops werent so busy arresting people for that,they could be paying attention to more important shit...also there is nothing wrong with porn.i kinda find porn boring...always the same thing,you know??!!and why can you have a brothel only in nevada and only shoot porn in california??fucking weird if you ask me....
i have been loving techno since the late 80s since i was in high school..i love all forms of it ,ambient,trance...its awesome.i also love raves.for some reason they are fucking illegal here..which also doesnt make any sense!i like the whole scene!i have loved lords of acid from the beginning.i love all the side projects.i love darling nikkie,and praga khan!it is my dream to see praga perform in day im gonna do that .i love when the lords go on fucking there ,and at a few shows too...i like industrial and also some 80s music...i love maurice,ludo,deb,erhan and kurt.maurice is a total sweetheart!i love that man.hes is so cool and so fuckin nice.he also loves the fans!theres something about him,hes fucking amazing...he can bring the hugest smile to my face!deb,you are a darling,a supermodel,you are beautiful,amazing and boy you can are my most favorite singer of loa!kurt,you are a god on the skins..hope you enjoy living here in the us..erhan,you are a mystery man.also you are soo talented,the quiestest member of loa!ludo,you are supercool,way fucking cool man:)
ven isdoing a great job of running this site.keep it up.i have met so many great people on here..the belgian fans are great!i have got the TND dvd and it was fucking amazing.if i could have afforded it i would have seen a show.i am very interested in seeing CODE RED,maurice newest venture...
ihope to see a new cd and tour in 05.miss you guys already,never stop making the magic that is lords of acid!!!
love you all!
