Age: 44
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Committed
Occupation: Logistics officer
Location: Aalter Belgium

My Biography
After being absent for quite some time, I am back. In the meantime I graduated, found a job and an appartment. By end of august we move in our new place. Love you all.


The release party of Electric Religion (aka hell party) was awesome. A party to remember and never ever forget.

I'm working on a CD collection together with my boyfriend. We're collecting everything we can get that is made by Praga Khan, Lords of Acid or one of the other projects of Maurice, Oliver or Nikkie. If you feel the need of helping us, don't hesitate to do so. In case you want to give something, please mail me and I'll give my address. ;) In case you find something somewhere, or you have something rare, which you cannot longer buy somewhere, please let me know. If you have nothing to help our collection, feel free anyway to talk to me. (as you can read below: I normally don't bite) :)

Super Bitch Club

[Jack Russel] FucktAngels Mum
[Australian Shepherd] FucktAngel
[Daschund] fairies690
[Rockweiler] SanDzNutzz
[Golden Retriever] dolphin
[Admitted] 2002

Some things about me. In case you're not interested, don't read it. It's not because I put some lettercombinations (called words) here, that you have to read them. Reading words can be very hard. It's not just the reading thing, but in order to obtain new information, you also have to understand what you're reading.

let's kick off

music I listen to
almost everything
favourites so far: PK*LoA*Metallica*Rammstein*MM*
Hate: R&B (anyone who does like this?)

who am I
if you want to know something?
I do not bite (normally)

that's it for now
inspiration went dry
if I think of something new to put her, I guess I'll put it here then.

Thnx to Hairboy, Pornstar, Ven, Spider, Rob Zombie and Coochie to come to Belgium. It was great to hang out with you guys. Come back soon!!!!



♥ PETER, LUV U STILL !!!!! ♥



♥ A poem I wrote for my boyfriend ♥

If I were to fall in love

If I were to fall in love
It would be with you
Like a flower
Spending its whole life
Spreading beauty over the world
If I were to fall in love
Its a destiny

If I were to fall in love
It is going to be with you
Like a cat
Spending its whole life
Being loyal and loving
If I were to fall in love
I will

If I were to fall in love
It is with you
Like it was meant to be
Like I would
Like I wanted
If I were to fall in love
I will stay in love with you

There are moments I just need to write something. This was written in one of those moments.

The tunnel

I'm walking through a dark tunnel
There is a bright spot
Are you my light?
I enjoy
I walk on
Curious for what's coming next

There are blocking rocks
Are you my obstacle?
I fight
I get through
Anxious for what's coming next

There is a light in the dark
Are you my guide?
I wait
I hope
I fight
Running to what's coming next

Will I reach it?
Or get lost?

Poll news

Poll 1
What music do you listen to?

LoA/PK 45%
Metal 43%
R&B 5%
Dutch songs 3%
Classical music 1%

It really was a neck to neck race between LoA/PK and Metal. The lords won,jjjiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa. :)
Poll 2
Must I Increase My Bust? - (32 Votes)

No - 23 (71%)
Ask Ven - 4 (12%)
What is Bust? - 2 (6%)
Absofuckinglutely - 2 (6%)
Maybe - 1 (3%)

That is clear. I never intended to do so anyway, but glad you think the same way. :)
Poll 3
Scott Hagen: the guy who thinks that CoA is a popular gothic web site that promotes drugs, sex and sadomasochism. There really are some stupid people. :)

"Chelsea Standard 20040122
Police suspect girls were being lured into sex ring
By Scott Hagen , Staff Writer

...Police believe Chiado was heading toward Ensenada, possibly to meet a 24-year-old man she spoke to on a popular "gothic" Web site called "Children of Acid".... "

Answer from that Scott guy
"I have visited the COA Web site and feel compelled to make a brief correction. Then again, should the correction read: "The Children of Acid Web site is not gothic, as reported in the Jan. 22 edition of the Dexter Leader. Officials said the Web site is "popular" with the gothic commuity. It does, however, promote drugs, sex and sado-masicisitic lifestyle."

About that guy is my latest poll. Go ahead and vote your asses off. :)

If you had one message for Scott Hagen, would it be... - (29 Votes)

...Scott who? - 13 (44%)
...go fuck yourself!!! - 9 (31%)
...I like sex, drugs and SM!! - 5 (17%)
...thx to find that site. - 2 (6%)
... Gothic and proud of it. - 0 (0%)

Poll 4

Am I... - (32 Votes)

... something else? - 8 (25%)
... a lot of fun? - 8 (25%)
... a bitch? - 7 (21%)
... completely insain? - 6 (18%)
... a nice, friendly shy girl? - 3 (9%)

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink