Age: 40
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Single
Occupation: cnc machine programer
Location: clintin twp., MI. USA

My Biography
add me to your myspace
just look for me in the coa group :) have fun talking to you there

ok i havent added anything to this in a long time b/c i really dont what to add to this damn thing. well lets see i have a g/f we have been together for allmost 2 years i have changed my major 3 times now and will prob do it again i am a priety borning person just sit around alot go running once in a while but people look at me weird like i just stole something and running fromsomeone. oh my dad is doing much better now he lives in a $350,000 house and he seemes to be happy.

my fathers house just burnt down on 12/9/03 he dosent look to well and if he dies a part of me is going to die too i wish i wish bad stuff would just go away

if you want to see more pics of me go to this site

or more here :)!+Photo+Album&.src=ph&.order=&.view=t&.done=http%3a//

ok i am a speaker junkey i am really big into home audio and car audio just about every cent of mine goes to boulding up one or the other. it sad really but i am adicted to it.

here is a little about me i am 5'7 i weigh a meer 130lbs i have blue eyes and i am a natural blonde. i am going to school right now at macomb i plan on being a macanical engineer. it there is anything else that you want to knwo about me please feel free to ask

past poll
Poll Open [Top] [Manage Your Poll]

what should eric18 do this weekend??? - (45 Votes)

hang out w/ you 20 44%
got to city club 9 20%
die 6 13%
hang out on coa 6 13%
nothing 4 8%

Poll Open [Top] [Manage Your Poll]

are you going to see msi? - (32 Votes)

nope 8 25%
who? 7 21%
i hate you 7 21%
if i can get tickets 5 15%
of corse 5 15%

do you like the cold weather? - (43 Votes)

yes i do i love it 17 39%
nope love the warmth 16 37%
its just weather 4 9%
i dont like you 3 6%
this is a stupid poll 3 6%

what do you tihk of my new pic - (49 Votes)

hot 20 40%
cute 11 22%
dont like it 10 20%
to much icp, house of 1000 5 10%
no comment 3 6%

how do you feel today? - (55 Votes)

shitty 21 38%
good 12 21%
no comment 10 18%
i hate you eric 8 14%
really good 4 7%

do you want to die today????? - (50 Votes)

no thanks maby later 17 34%
yes kill me now 14 28%
no 13 26%
only if i can kill you eric 4 8%
you just need to die eric 2 4%

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink