Age: 38
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Relationship: Committed
Occupation: Assistant Director
Location: Mesa, AZ. USA
My Biography
Im FULLY committed to the ONE man I LOVE! Rhytt! =] We're in love!

Im somewhat a partier! I love my friends and family. And I love my BOYFRIEND of course. I don't play games. I'm a cool person with a great personality. Get to know me and you'll love me!!! :)<3<3>3 Well...... My name is Renee Noel Jones. I just moved to Arizona about 6 months ago all the way from Alaska!!! It was cold and miserable. I love snowboarding, sledding (haha), fishing..(though I don't look like the type) I love CAMPING!!! All the way. I love boats and Jet ski's too. I love the lake. I have a Play station 2.... ya I'm a gamer! Gotta love it! I have 3 younger brothers, Daniel, Jimmy, and Joey!! I love them all. I have 2 younger sisters, Heather and Chelsey. The most BEAUTIFUL girls I know... Well my mom is HOTT too. I love her!!! Ya I'm the oldest! I'm 19. My mom is a walking miracle. She had ARDS. A critical illness that almost took her life. The doctors told us she was going to die!!! But, she fought for her life. She is still getting better! It just took a lot of prayer and trust in our god to heal her! I think it was a sign for her to striaghten her life up. To get away from the drugs. She is going to church and is doing totally awesome! THANK YOU JESUS!!! My dad is soooo wonderful to her. I am so thankful for him. He was so strong through the whole process. Well thats enough about me. If you want to know more hit me up yo!

I JUST GOT ME A NEW PET~*~*~ A Abino Prairy Korn Snake!!! His name is Brisingr. It means FIRE in an ancient Elf language!!! I read it from a book. :-P I <3 him... I tried to feed him a pinky but he wouldn't eat it. :( He is soooo tiny... Just a little baby!!! Like about 8-10 inches long! So pr3tty! Wanna hold him? OK OK OK I'm sorry I'mjust really excited I bought him. Some lady was sellin a lot of them on the street and I bought him. When we drove by like an hour later there was a cop telling he she needed to leave. She prolly got a MASSIVE fine!!!

R.I.P Brisingr =[[ He died like a month after I got him.

But its ok. I got a new baby turtle now. His name is donotello. =]

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink