Age: 38
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Curious
Relationship: Single
Occupation: Sexy scientist
Location: Hattiesburg, MS. USA
Amazon Wishlist: View

My Biography
It has been forever since I've been on here. This really takes me back. I'll my old polls up for the sake of nostalgia...
If you had an abortion, what would you do with the fetus? - (100 Votes)

Donate it to science - 32 (32%)
Auction it on eBay - 31 (31%)
Take it to a taxidermist - 17 (17%)
Serve it at a dinner party - 11 (11%)
Feed it to the dog - 9 (9%)
Straight girls, does gay porn turn you on? Straight guys, does lesbian porn you on? - (104 Votes)

I'm a straight guy-Yes - 36 (34%)
I'm not straight - 27 (25%)
I'm a straight girl-Yes - 23 (22%)
I'm a straight girl-No - 10 (9%)
I'm a straight guy-No - 8 (7%)
When the Rugrats turn 18, which one do you want to have sex with? - (135 Votes)

Angelica - 60 (44%)
Chuckie - 23 (17%)
Lil - 22 (16%)
Tommy - 18 (13%)
Phil - 12 (8%)

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink