Age: 40
Sex: Female
Relationship: Married
Occupation: Mommy
Location: Mission Viejo, CA. USA

My Biography

Hello, everybody, and welcome to my weird little world.

Sorry I've disappeared, everybody... life's changed a lot. Trav is a piece of work, and everything else... so bear with me or check me out on myspace so we can catch up!

Quotes to consider I like too much:

"Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright until you hear them speak."

"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?"

"A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life, to be thankful for a good one."

"Gardening rocks. It's the only time during the day that I get to determine who lives and who dies." --LOA

"i hate wishes, they make you realize what you want more than anything in the world, but you know you can't have it." --DeathBride

"Great minds think alike, Sick minds seldom differ." --Trapezoidl

"How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?" --LOA

"Is god willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god?" -Epicurus ( DemonAngel).

"Christianity has a built-in defense system: anything that questions a belief, no matter how logical the argument is, it is the work of Satan by the very fact that it makes you question a belief. It's a very interesting defense mechanism and the only way to get by it -- and believe me, I was raised Southern Baptist -- is to take massive amounts of mushrooms, sit in a field, and just go, "Show me.""..Bill Hicks (also taken from DemonAngel)

If you guys want some more awesome as hell quotes and funny stuff... check out SinPixie, DrumGod and DemonAngel's profiles. They're all fuckin' hilarious... but there's way too much in there to post the things I liked in mine...

(416 lines later) umm... does anybody know how to actually BEAT tetris?

Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis
©2004 Eric Schwartz

Keep your Jesus off my penis
Keep your bible off my balls
Keep your prayers out of my ears
And your crosses off my walls
You can keep the virgin mother
And the resurrection too
Keep your Jesus off my penis
I'll keep my penis off of you

Well I'm frickin' sick and tired
Of turning on the news
And seeing the religious right's
Ungodly fight to take our right to choose
When to bear our children
Who to love and how
Education and protection
If we're just practicing for now
So dubya look obey a book
If that's what works for you
But I don't tell you how to pray
So don't tell me how to screw

Keep your Jesus off my penis
Keep your bible off my balls
Keep your prayers out of my ears
And your crosses off my walls
You can keep the virgin mother
And the resurrection too
Keep your Jesus off my penis
I'll keep my penis off of you

So you?re screaming bloody murder
'Bout the taliban regime
For subjugating women
And being too extreme
And basing legislation
On some ancient holy book
Does that sound a bit familiar?
Here's a mirror, have a look

And as for the ten commandments
They need one more at least
Thou shall never cover up
The acts of pervert priests
How'd they let that happen
Unless they just abhor us
Well anyway it adds
Another layer to the chorus

Keep your Jesus off my penis
Keep your bible off my balls
Keep your prayers out of my ears
And your crosses off my walls
You can keep the virgin mother
And the resurrection too
Keep your Jesus off my penis
I'll keep my penis off of you

So you'll execute a person
And protect a single cell
But mercy-kill the terminally ill
And you're goin' straight to hell
I don't know much about
The word of God
Far be it from me
But I can tell you what it ain't

I am not anti-Christian
Before you grab a rope
There is beauty in religion
And joy and love and hope
We're all looking for an answer
Some colossal cosmic cause
But who the fuck are you
To turn your views into my laws?
It's just believers in the bible
That would have abortion banned
Anti-choice agnostics?
I could count?em on one hand
And as for killing babies
I have but one retort
If someone raped your daughter George
You'd beg her to abort

And if some young girl from your church
Shows up with child or some infection
?Cuz you taught her what a horrid sin
It was to use protection
One day you'll face the pearly gates
And whatchu gonna say
When that long-haired Jewish peacenick
Sends your ass the other way sayin?

Keep your Jesus off my penis
Keep your bible off my balls
Keep your prayers out of my ears
And your crosses off my walls
I've had it up to here
With all the biblibile you spew
Keep your Jesus off my penis
(at least that's what I would do)
Keep your Jesus off my penis
I'll keep my penis off of you
That's if'n you want me to

There's a hilarious video of this song featuring Eric Schwartz. I'll put a link to it on the bottom of my bio, otherwise, just ask and I can forward it to you as an attachment.

I'm currently in love with Praga Khan's The Next Dimension. I can't seem to stop listening to it...

Favorites of LoA would have to me Me & Myself, Mr. Machoman, and a million and one others. If you're around CoA and you've actually HEARD of any of these songs, feel free to write me.

So, it dawned on me that half of you people on my friend's list, I didn't know. I couldn't remember talking to you, or what we talked about... so I removed you. It wasn't intended as disrespectful or rude... it was intended to show those who remained how important they are to me. Realize you made an impression on me. In one way or another.

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink