Age: 43
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Committed
Occupation: what ever i feel like doing
Location: middle of nowhere, NC. USA

My Biography
well its been way to long since i've logged on. thank hevan for computers. seeing that i've been without one for a year.

lots has happened, tor and i have since parted ways. he is in the middle of nowhere in the mid east and i am in the middle of nowhere nc. the little one (for those who care) is growing like a weed and talking up a storm. she can say beer.

if i have the money may 22 i will be at the lacuna coil concert. i cant wait.

i have a new life new love and a new job!!!!!! yees stripper is no longer a stripper. thank god, yes i hated my job but it put food on the table living in tampa. thank god i'm out of that hell hole. i now work at wal-mart. its not much but its a job with benifits.

the last concert i whent to was adam ship and that was about two months befor they sighned there record deal. if you havent heard of them keep an ear out they are really good.

well that will be all for now.

quote: "how long shall we mourn in the dark the bliss and beauty will not return say farewell to sadness and grief though long and hard the road may be" blind guardian- nightfall on middle earth

one more thing, if you im me and i dont want to talk to you its probly because i am in the middle of class and cant afford to carry on an coversation. so dont call me a "blood cunt" or a "cock licker". also my boyfriend might be on and if he doesnt know you he will tell you off just the way he is. not to sound rude but someone by the name of gothicraverboy imed my yahoo messenger yesterday and got my boyfreind who was taking care of some stuff. well this guy made a point to call everyone on coa posers and a few other nasty words. i for one am not a a poser, i am who i am me i have my own stile and my own life. every person that i talk to on this site is thier own person and that doesnt make them posers that makes them indiviguals. I think that is more important than following the crowd. if anyone is a poser it is this guy who thinks that everyone els is. sorry dude get a life. oh by the way,

master vamp i miss you!!!!!!!!! drop me a line sometime hun i know you have been working hard love ya

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink