Age: 48
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Relationship: Single
Occupation: on the rooftop with ...
Location: Beaverton, OR. USA
Amazon Wishlist: View

My Biography
Hi. My name is Mariah. What are you doing now? Whereever you are at this exact moment, you're exactly where you are supposed to be. Whoever you are at this moment, that's exactly who you are. The person you're with right now, they need you the most right now. And if you're alone at this moment, then you're just enjoying your own company.

Never say "I'm not doing anything." You're just waiting to catch the next wave that life sends your way. The people that you've met (and the things that you've done up until this point in time)
have led to this moment. So enjoy it. Fate is a wonderful thing. What are you doing now?


I moved from Florida to Beaverton, Oregon in June of 2009. I did this simply because I wanted an adventure. I found it, and I couldn't be happier. Driving across the country was beautiful. Throwing everything in the back of two trucks, not knowing what you'll find when you get there. Fate is a wonderful thing.


When you finally realize what it is that you really want in life, and know how to achieve it. Fate is a wonderful thing.


Believe in fate, and life will take care of itself.


What are you doing now? You're exactly where you need to be at this moment. You're doing exactly what you need to do at this moment. The person you're with needs you right now. If you're alone, you're enjoying your own company.

This moment is called fate. So enjoy it. What are you doing now?


Magic (much like life) is about trust.
Magician puts you in the box. (total control).
You trust that he'll take you out again.
Magician puts you in handcuffs. (total control).
You trust he has the key.
That's why the Magician is the master.
All for that one moment of true happiness in the end.
After all, you volunteered.. didn't you?

Clown is the pretender.
He desires to please.
A smile, a joke, a laugh,
Your wish is his deepest desire.
Makeup hides his true face.
Beware the Clown,
He'll have you on your knees.
Your wish is his deepest desire.
That's why Clown is the slave,
And you're the master.
What is your deepest desire?

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