My Biography
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My names Misery , I like body peircing and body art. I like 420,traveling,summer,and alternative lifestyles. I just moved again for the 5 time in a year and a half, i dont think ill be moveing again anytime soon , im really over packing and uhals and not knowing where my stuff is - lol i really like to meet coa fans so message me on or off coa !
MY MUSIC: LOA, front 242, praga khan, nine inch nails, tool,kmfdm,mdfmk,depeche mode, louie, peter murphy, fictioonal, filiment 38,marilyn manson, shinedown, 3 doors down, rammstein, wumpscut, velvet acid christ, orgy, everlast, dj buzz fuzz, dj shrooms, mushroomhead, the red king, lady lane, memo, a new january, pocket universe, ikon, needle, the sixth chamber, killing ophella, the nuns, bathomet, bunny drums, turn pale, funker voght, raized in black, type o negitive, nevermore, fadeing coulors, oghr, unto ashes, distorted reality,oneiroid psychosis, the razor skyline,voltaire, phycotica, thrill kill cult, joy divison, the cure, christian death, him, assemblade 23, in strict confidence, sisters of mercy, siouxise and the banshees, alice in chains, ferry van de zanden, skinny puppy, bile, dope, slick shoes, miss kitten and the hacker, underworld, faithless, prodigy, dj skribble, rob zombie, evenesance, cannibla corpse, morbid angel, slayer, aborted, in flames, dyeing fetus, nile, 6 ft under, sublime, vnv nation, haujobb, hocico, ministy, angels and agony,VNV NATION, rancid,40 degrees summer, HED PE, system of a down, chicksonspeed
requiem from a dream
A clockwork Orange
Fear and loathing in los vegas
things that just all around piss me off and my dislikes...
stupid people, mainstream shit,posers,cybering, big dogs, all forms of government includeing anarchy, intolorence, descrimination, my own self contradiction,gay bashers, brand names, ignorence, the alberson food corporation, drinking age, driveing age, money, transportaton, computers, the net, rape, molesters,pop,country,satanist, christians, wiccans
I am]
I am anti-racist.
I am anti-sexist.
I am anti-violence.
I am a pacifist.
I am a minimalist.
[I don't] I don't drive.
I don't have a license.
I don't have a bank account.
I don't have credit cards.
I don't want any part of that shit.
I don't trust the Government.
Social Networks
We are not on Fetlife or MySpace