Age: 36
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Single
Occupation: ha! me work!!
Location: Garfield Hts, OH. USA

My Biography
hey my name is tara and i am from garfield hts i really need a friend from here i know alot of u guys but u guys just dont know i do!!!
[here is some more about me]
>> >-- Name: Tara
>> >-- Birthday: august 25
>> >-- Birthplace: cleveland
>> >-- Current Location:in a chair??
>> >-- Eye Color: brown
>> >-- Hair Color: brown with blonde highlights
>> >-- Height: 5' 3"
>> >-- Righty or Lefty: righty
>> >-- Zodiac Sign: virgo
>> >
>> >-- Your heritage: indian, irish, ittalian, polish, the big word with a c, german, and american
>> >-- The shoes you wore today: popsicle flip flops
>> >-- Your weakness: black hair and green or blue eyes
>> >-- Your fears: bugs and hieghts
>> >-- Your perfect pizza: peperoni and ham
>> >-- Goal you'd like to achieve: be a child psychiatrist
>> >
>> >-- Your most overused phrase: oh god
>> >-- Your thoughts first waking up: bathroom, or wtf am i doing getting up this early
>> >-- Your best physical feature: smile
>> >-- Your bedtime: whenever i fall asleep
>> >-- Your favorite memory: when i went off the diving board for the first time or when i went upside down for the first time
>> >
>> >-- Pepsi or Coke: mountain dew
>> >-- McDonald's or Burger King: wendys or taco bell
>> >-- Single or group dates: single
>> >-- Adidas or Nike: nike
>> >-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: sunkist
>> >-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
>> >Cappuccino or coffee: hot choclate
>> >
>> >-- Smoke: no
>> >-- Curse: yup everyday all day
>> >-- Sing: yes
>> >-- Take a shower everyday: every other day
>> >-- Have a crush(es): yea
>> >-- Do you think you've been in love: nope guys suck
>> >-- Want to go to college: yes
>> >-- Like high school: yes so far
>> >-- Want to get married: yes
>> >-- Believe in yourself:ocassionally
>> >-- Get motion sickness:no
>> >-- Think you're attractive: no, i do not
>> >-- Think you're a health freak: no
>> >-- Get along with your parents: sometimes
>> >-- Play an instrument: no
>> >
>> >LAYER SIX: In the past month...
>> >-- Drank alcohol: yes
>> >-- Smoked: no
>> >-- Done a drug: no
>> >-- Had Sex: no
>> >-- Made Out: yes
>> >-- Gone on a date: no
>>-- Gone to the mall?:yes
>>-- Eaten an entire box of Oreo's: yah one of thoose boxs with like 6
>> >-- Eaten sushi: no
>> >-- Been on stage: No
>> >-- Gone skating: no but watched it
>> >-- Made homemade cookies: yes
>> >-- Gone skinny dipping: no
>> >-- Dyed your hair: no but ask me next month and my answer will be different
>> >
>> >LAYER SEVEN: Ever..
>> >-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
>> >-- If so, was it mixed company: yes
>> >-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
>> >-- Been caught "doing something": no
>> >-- Been called a tease: yes
>> >-- Gotten beaten up: no
>> >-- Shoplifted: yes
>> >-- Changed who you were to fit in: no i hate ppl who do that
>> >
>> >-- Age you hope to be married: 20 or 22
>> >-- Numbers and Names of Children: kirstin michelle or jeffrey conner
>> >-- Describe your dream not sure yet
>> >
>> >-- How do you want to die: slow and painful?? wtf kinda question is that???
>> >-- Where you want to go to college: cornell or boston university
>> >-- What do you want to be when you grow up: child psychiatrist
>> >-- What place would you most like to visit: london

so now that you have filled up ur tara knowledge pool lets go onto more important things

what i like...
i like a lot of things... i like to sing, dance listen to music, hang wit my friends, and juss over all have alot of FUN

what im like....
well i dont really know what im like nobodys evr told me!!! lol i think that i have alot of excess energy in other words im hyper!!! i have to do things i CANT sit still......

music i like....
well i like a lot of different music i truely listen to everything besides jazz and polka.... throw any kind of music at me and ive listened to it!!!!!

movies i like...
i like anything scary or funny!!! my favorites are probably lilo and stich, halloween h20 all freddy krueger pet sematary 1 and 2 and rose red

what i hate....
when ppl sit there and critisize ppl before they even know them that juss drives me crazy!!!! u juss dont understand!!! it gets on my nerves

my love for you burns like a fire i need the heat and want to be near when im with you i feel tern times higher but things have changed i fear
gone or the days i long to be within your marvoulus presence
scrambling to try so earnestly to see ypu every chance
i now am filled with deep remorse for love was taken in vain like racing through the driving course learning youre in the wrong lane
for so long now you were the object of my affection the one i thought of daily and nightly to i realized i was wrong and made the correction
finally realized im not meant for you
you lie and steal from poor fools like me
stupid enough to give you their love
i want you to kno i will never again be
stupid enough to love you one more day

whats the point of trying
when all you do is wrong
whats the point of crying when noone heres youre song
whats the point of love
when nothing goes your way
whats the point of effort when you cant take another day
whats the point of memories
when they all fade away
whats the point of sensitivity
youll juss get called gay
whats the point of happiness
it only lasts a short time
whats the point of sadness it juss ruins your life
whats the point of seeing when everythings a lie
whats the point of beleiving
when all you ask is y
whats the point of life
filled with pain and strife
whats the point of me
when im filled with sadness and misery

my friendz
Badgurl666-aww sweet sarah
Blacklabel- brad!! well haylo
Blondie-awwww ur so nice
Bluemaiden- pretty!!!
Chaosnight- skizz. hey buddy
cmd42rmmfd-hay theanx for always listening to me and always saying sweet things...... *gives hugs*
Donthateme- megan my dear!! i luv u very much
Emtee- aww sarah i luv u!!
Evilshoe6- jeff....hi
Figuritout- ur so nice
Gilbertguy- haylo my bright lil friend
Glowstitch- Rob!! hi!!
Hihocherio- Jenny my love!!
Icstarz- Breezy!! i luv u
Kinkie- Hannah! hey!
Lilkitty- haylo my baby katie i luv u so much sweetie and ur so pretty
Love- aww i luv u
Merrydeath- haylo sweethart
Missamy- ur very sweet
Msbehavin- aww i love u!!!
Perverted- haylo darlin
Pissdrunk- andy... whore
Redgirl- aww merideth ur so nice
Stingray- aww i luv u
xxibitexx- LISA!!! i luv u sweetie
wounded- adam darling!!!! aww i love u very much

♥thank you too rob for my second one i love ya to death:D♥

poetry- from everybody
im collecting poems from everyone so i ub have one mail it to me and il get it up here soon as i can

MY CAT- by badgurl666
in the night i can only dream about her
in the day i can only think of her
my cat in pictures i will always treasure
this will be forever and ever
when i was mad or even sad
she would come to me
she did not like a sad he or she
now she is dead but in my head
sheis alive
so she will survive

tool pushit- kg bred
theres no love in fear
staring down the hole again
hands upon my back again
survival is my only friend
terrified of wat may come
always remember i will always love you
even as i tear ur fuckin throat away
but in the end theres no other way
no name poem - mistaken
arms in chains, eyes are blind
i capture your soul and take over your mind
you belong to me now and theres nothing you can do
sadistic intentions all on cue
tempted by my eyes seduced by my kiss
u will live forever in my conciousness
no name poem by haven
you touched my heart so deeply
you rescued me now free me
dont watch me cry just let me go
ill take away the strongest feelings you will ever know
we are passengers in time locked together day and night
i am the stranger who deserts you only to love you in another life
be brave if u hold me u will hurt me so now i must go
but ill always bear one precious scar that only you will know

♥ i defanitly dont love danielle nemore i love mandi♥

winners of past two polls prettiest? - (84 Votes)

neither one ur both ugly - 24 (28%)
undecided - 18 (21%)
u guys are both very pretty - 17 (20%)
chewbaby34 - 15 (17%)
lilkitty - 10 (11%)
who is the most gullable? - (56 Votes)

collegedum - 19 (33%)
hihocherio - 16 (28%)
dorkypunk - 10 (17%)
badgurl666 - 7 (12%)
thatgilbertguy - 4 (7%)
popularity poll - (18 Votes)

wounded - 7 (38%)
redgirl - 4 (22%)
blacklabel - 3 (16%)
stingray - 2 (11%)
glowstitch - 2 (11%)

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink