Age: 39
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Relationship: Single
Occupation: Prefer not to say
Location: Niagara Falls, NY. USA
My Biography
I am a very unique person. I think that all people have a choice to be different. And if people don't like me for who I am, then... Kush meer in tokhes!

I just took that pic. As of 8:30pm today: Jan. 20th, 2003. hehe.

xXSPARKYXx is mine!!!! All minez!!! She is hott... and all minez!!!!

Sindustry is HOTT!!
Sindustry is my MASTER... and I am his SLAVE! OOO... He's such a hottie!
"Harder Seth! Harder!"

RATE ME! PWWWWEEEEEZZZZZ!!!? ( But be nice.. hehe. )

"I get baked. Just baked"

I got to say thanx to all my babes:
Sindustry - For bein' my master... and I his slut... but he treats me very well! Love ya hun!
xXSPARKYXx - For bein' my bestfriend, lover... hehe... and the only girl I could ever dream of being with. Love you baby! My lil sexy bitch!!
Dy1ngKultur3 - For being so nice, and sweet, and for talking to my dumb ass all the time. I love ya hunny! [kiss, lick, wink, moan!]

Did you know... Robbins get drunk after eating Holly berries... and often fall off power lines!

Would you rather:
As a woman:
Have no boobs at all... but have saucer-sized nipples?
Have huge boobs... but no nipples at all?

Bad language of the day: Amharic:
Shele: Bitch

This is an acctual 911 call:
Caller:Yeah, i'm having trouble breathing. I'm all out of breath. Damn...I think i'm going to pass out.
Dispatcher:Sir, where are you calling from?
Caller: I'm at a pay phone. North and Foster. Damn...
Dispatcher:Sir, an ambulance is on the way. Are you an asthmatic?
Dispatcher:What were you doing before you started having trouble breathing?
Caller:Running from the police.

Latest crazy thing that I have done?
*-* Went clubbin with my girlie... and we almost got kicked out for dirty dancin. they said that what we was doin was too dirty for even a club. hehe. we was bad!

Guess what?!
*_* I should have my website up soon. i'll kepp yall updated on it. hehe.

I must say:
The people on this site are so nice. And I thank you all for your kindness.

I got a new pic! See it?!

"I want chicken, I want liver, meow mix, meow mix, please deliver!"

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink