My Biography
IG, Blue Sky & Facebook @ rollingsixxes
RIP Mikey - ub3x
~*~ Praise The Lords, Bless The Children & FUCK The Rest ~*~
A most BEAUTIFUL song:
Mad Season - I'm Above
For clear space and soundess of mind
I've let you play me for some time
One can only receive and retain
But the lies you recite for your gain
So you rely on my faith in your kind
Or rather continue to pretend that I'm blind
You say I made your life a living hell
And yet still let me pay you when I fell
How is it you're feeling so uneasy?
How is it that I feel fine?
Life reveals what is dealt through seasons
Circle comes around each time
I've been blessed with eyes to see this
Behind the unwhole truth you hide
Bite to remind the bitten, bigger
Mouth repaying tenfold wide
I'm above
Over you I'm standing above
Claiming unconditional love
Try to keep bad blood in the past
Never thought a chance, a chance it would last
I have strength enough, enough to forgive
I desire peace where I live
I've been blessed with eyes to see this
Behind the unwhole truth you hide
Bite to remind the bitten, bigger
Mouth repaying tenfold wide
How is it you're feeling so uneasy?
How is it that I feel fine?
Life reveals what is dealt through seasons
Circle comes around each time
I'm above
Over you I'm standing above
Claiming unconditional love
Above (X 3)
Birthday Greetings
Cmd42rmMFD - Hey My Sweet I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Sadly I won't be here to celebrate or wish you.
Many Happy Returns of the day, on the day.
TonyBucher - Big B-Day smacks :)
SexyRayve - mmm, Happy Birthdat baby!!! luv ya - ray
droctagon - happy birfday hot stuff
ttmanta - Hi there, I see today is your birthday so Happy Birthday to you :)
pinecone81 - happy birthday cutey pie
wim - happy bday Christy here are your bday kisses XOXOXO :)
♥V2thaG - Happy Birthday, darling girl... I wish I could give you a real hug and spanking(s)! =)
lekker - happy birthday
Frost - happy birthday :)
VintageBoi - happy birthday Rollin6666666666 *spank* *spank* these are birthday licks!! *spank!* ...but i like it, tew...
♥Catnip - Happy birthday!!! Sorry to hear about your tattoo. But at least you got all sorts of stuff, eh? I hope you have the happiest of birthdays, and may that happiness speard throughout the rest of your life and the lives of everyone you love
snmfetish - happy birthday baby doll.... wish i could give you your spankins.
farstucker - happy birfday as 50 cent would say
Spiderlily - Happy Birthday! :)
witte - happy birthday !!
Cougar - happy birthday! make this day last forever ;)
warp232 - happy b-day by the way !!
ashasarala - YAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) =D =D =D =D =D ::HUGS::
Alloy - Happy Birthday Rollin6s!!!!!!!!!!!!
DankBoy - Happy belated birthday by the way.
IlDuce - Sorry I missed the party, Happy Birthday. Hopefully the next year is better than the last.
anathema - damnits christy...did i miss your birthday? ...happy belated birthday
sdawyzarc - happy birthday gorgeous! { times 3, thank you}
Thank you to everyone who sent me such wonderful greetings!!! It really made my day much better :)
Random Facts
....these have personal meanings to me, therefore they are a glimpse into who I am and what I stand for.. my beliefs are strong and I would stand by them to do the death...
*tattoo I saw in a magazine today read 'i will feast upon the flesh of those who try to subdue me' \m/ I whole heartedly agree.. one's freedom is the most important thing one could ever have
*Symbolism is very important to me. I have a tattoo that is a crescent moon made of ivy. Ivy is a symbol of fidelity. The defintion of fidelity: Fidelity is a notion, that at its most abstract level implies a truthful connection to a source. Its original meaning dealt with loyalty and attentiveness to one's duty to a lord or a king, in a broader sense than the related concept of fealty. Both derive from the Latin word fidelitas, meaning "faithfulness."
*a friend is something I do not take lightly.. as I do not consider just anyone a friend. A friend is someone you know well and regard with affection and trust. If you can't trust someone, then why have em around? It will be nothing but heartache for you.
*Something that I can't stand is people who bitch and complain about how horrible their life is and yet do NOTHING about it. If you want something, then fucking at least try for it. Don't go whining to your friends, your faimly, your significant other.. just fucking do it man.. you're only stopping yourself. I try to live by this rule: If you don't like it, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. Generally those that persistenly whine and don't even attempt to make things better for themself.. I usually move on. Keep up or get left behind. {Note that venting and whining are very different}
*I think that words do hold alot of power.. by this I think a man is as only good as his word. If a man can't keep his word, then he is worth nothing. A promise is a sacred commitment made by a person. If you do not inted on keeping a promise or don't know if you can hold to it.. then don't make em. It's as simple as that. Broken Promises can lead to broken hearts.
*I believe that what someone puts out into the world will be returned unto them. It's as simple as that.. be a jerk and someday you'll pay.. maybe not tomorrow, maybe not 10 years from now.. but it will get back to you, nature always has a way of swinging the pendulum in the other direction.. so try to stay balanced as best as possible.
*I can read people like the blind read braille.. it takes some mad skills and some great con talk to pull one over on me. It takes a damn good bullshitter to bullshit me.. I can even spot you fuckers online.. so don't waste your time, I already know enough about you to decide whether you are worthy of my words and my time. So don't fuck with me and I won't fuck with you.
*Time is precious, don't waste it waiting for life to catch up to you. Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.
*Water is good for you and so is sunscreen.. how do you think I look so young? :)
*My screen name 'Rollin6s' is a shortend form of my preferred screen name 'Rollingsixxes' which I obtained from the Marilyn Manson song 'Snake Eyes and Sissies'. This song was one of my favorites when I was 17 and carries alot of different meanings for me. Here are the lyrics:
wrench is just a household god but i carry mine with pride
i don't work but i can work with it to split your smile
run you down without a twitch, your car's just not as big as mine
tear the son out of your bitch and sprinkle your remains with lime
i ain't no working man, i do the best i can, i got the devil's hand
rollin' sixes
i am the habit man, i use up all i can, i got the slacker's hand
my afternoon's remote control
daydream milk and genocide
tranquility with broken knees, silly putty enemies
butter knife in your side
what i got i got for free, middle finger technology
what's yours is mine, yours is mine, told you fucker, yours is mine
snake eyes for sissies
i ain't no working man, i do the best i can, i got the devil's hand
rollin' sixes
i am the habit man, i use up all i can, i got the slacker's hand
i am the pedophile's dream
a messianic peter pan
just a boy, just a boy, just a little fucking boy, i can never be a man
i ain't no working man, i do the best i can, i got the devil's hand
rollin' sixes
i am the habit man, i use up all i can, i got the slacker's hand
i ain't no working man, i do the best i can, i got the hdevil's hand
i am the habit man, i use up all i can, i got the slacker's hand
(oh no, oh no)
*"If you walk through life with your eyes, ears and most importantly 'mind' open, you'll teach and be taught. If you can teach, you've learned, if you can be taught, you're still able to learn. Both are huge assests." -- TombstoneTim, SSK message board
*So I've lived in the same county my whole life. I've never lived more than 30 minutes from my parents. I'm a Georgia Peach thru and thru. The thought of living elsewhere is the scariest thought I've ever had. Well.. I'm facing my fears and I'm gonna move to a city I *love*. Savannah, Georgia. I'm very scared and I'm so excited at the same time. I can't wait to be there.. I just don't want to go. I don't want to leave my friends and everything I've ever known behind. But deep down I know that if I don't.. I'll kick myself for the rest of my life. So here's to scary things! *cheers* Oh.. and an excerpt of a motivational song for me at the moment: "so I'm getting out of Tucson, taking everything that ain't nailed down. Gonna wave goodbye to the unfortunates who stuck around." by Supersuckers, Going Back to Tucson
*I LOATHE liars, theives, censorship, people who drink and drive, 2 faced back stabbing people, people that can't keep a secret, pushy people, ill manners, racists, hypocrites, snobs, the xtian moral majority, income tax, affirmative action, man hating femenists, women hating men, laundry, homophobics, chauvanist pigs, people suffering from Eeyore Syndrome all the time, fat jokes made by skinny waifs, dead beat dads, controlling moms, repressing of the youth, being told to shut up, the justice system, cleaning, faux personalities, deceivers, users, abusers, drug addicts, not contributing to society, judgements, sticks in the mud, pussy men, etc... list to be continued
*I LIKE music, tulips, gerber daises, black cats, sex, dice, Frosty The Snowman, astrology & astronomy, bats, ivy, stars real or fake and even nautical, rockabilly music, full and crescent and new moons, photography, sex, Wild Boyz, Pooh Bear,southern rock, trees, music, dice, fairies, candles, aromatheraphy, Reiki, mead, belly dancing, swing dancing, thrift stores, pumpkins, Febreeze, sex, camping, mountains, Savannah Georgia, Halloween, New Years, my birthday, whiskey, music, marijuana, sex, clear quartz, surf music, greaser/rockabilly guys, musicians, tattoos, classic cars, sweet tea, sunday afternoon, tequila, doc martens, sensual massages: giving & receiving, downy fabric softner, adidas, piercings, jeans, lingerie, not making the first move, coloring, intelligence, dying my hair, dressing up, puzzles, riddles, board games, lotion, converse one stars, concerts, driving, paganism, buddhism, paranormal, trivial pursuit, peanut butter, cherry coke, swimming, raod trips, sleep overs, movies, cleaning, water, soap, My Mom, being introspective, people watching, reading, sleeping, dreaming... etc... i'll add if i can think of more
Favorite Lyrical Bits
"Children in heat they have no conscience no resistance you gotta see this big reaction no resistance" -- Misfits, Children In Heat
"When I sin, I sin real good" -- Misfits, Devil's Whorehouse
"Your one desire controlled by perversion, compelled by lust within" -- Genitorturers, 120 Days
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see" -- the Beatles, Strawberry Fields
"Nothing's so cold as closing the heart when all we need
is to free the soul, But we wouldn't be that brave I know" --Toad the Wet Sproket, All I Want
"The devil don't like it, but he can't help himself" -- Praga Khan, Lord Lord Lord
"It's time to fly the finger, yeah, that middle digit brings your point and drives it home" -- Supersuckers, Born With A Tail
"Pretty girl keep growin' up, playin' make-up, wearin' guitar
Growin' old in a bar, ya grow old in a bar... And if I don't see ya, in a long, long while, I'll try to find you, Left of the dial" - The Replacements, Left Of The Dial
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Rollin6s's Rating Is Currently 6.66 Out Of 153 Votes
Viewed 7,777 Times
♥ .Special thanks to Mikey, ub3x, for renewing my membership for 2006! ♥
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♥♥♥ Femme Fatale Angels ♥♥♥
femme fatale
n : a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
[syn: enchantress, temptress, siren, Delilah]
[French: femme: woman+fatale: deadly.]
The Angels
♥V2thaG - Just Like Heaven
♥BettyPg9 - She's A Knockout
♥Rollin6s - Wicked Pussycat
honorary gentlemen: Seanscapes & Cmd42rmMFD
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"Lustful Wishes & Wet Dreams" -- Me, 2003
"Life is an 1/8 and $20 when you wanted a 1/4" --Me, 2004
"You call if you wanna roll a joint with me, I'm only one bowl away" -- V2thaG, 2004
"...cause your hot and oooo soooo cute...a lethal combo...I dont know how your legal :)" -- BettyPg9, 2004
"You are beautiful and a perfect 10 Phwoar rating" -- Cmd42rmMFD, 2004
"Trust your Lust" -- TonyBucher
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Georgia Musicians
* OutKast * Indigo Girls * James Brown * Black Crowes * TLC * Collective Soul * Sevendust * Little Richard * Georgia Satellites * Otis Redding * Ghetto Mafia (creator of the term known as 'Dirty South) * REM * Gladys Knight * B-52s * Ludacris * Travis Tritt * Ray Charles * Allman Brothers * Arrested Development * Usher * Drivin' n' Cryin' * Kris Kross * Shawn Mullins * John Mayer * Alan Jackson * Kenny Rogers * Widespread Panic * Trisha Yearwood * Marvelous 3 * Lil Jon * Da Brat * Cee-Lo * T.I. * Jermaine DuPree *
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Local Atlanta Bands
.♥.The Love Drunks.♥. your local bands...
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Rollin6s - Honey
a tribute to Pink Floyd - Money
::: inspired by V2thaG and Agent's Pink Sessions
Honey, get a lay
get a blow job with more pay and you're O.K.
Honey, it's a pass
grab that ass with both hands and make it fast
new car, up to par , porn star wetdream
think I'll bang me a football team
Honey, lay back
I'm horny, Jack, put your hands on my stack
Honey, it's a lick
don't give me that do goody good bullshit
I'm in the hi-fidelity first class working girl debt
and I think I need a rear pet
Honey, it's a crime
share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Honey, so they say
is the juice of all evil today
but if you ask for a rinse it's no surprise that they're
giving none away, away.
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Extended Crush List
. ♥♥♥Lordest . ♥♥♥BakedBean . ♥♥Cmd42rmMFD. ♥str8freakn. ♥believer. ♥BettyPg9♥. ♥Incubus66. ♥SeXyRayve. ♥slave4Cin. ♥BulletBoy. ♥AngelX. ♥fallnangel. ♥Ghost. ♥Leslie. ♥Severied. ♥ snmfetish.
Social Networks
We are not on Fetlife or MySpace