Age: 42
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Monk
Relationship: Engaged
Occupation: Serious Ass Kicking
Location: Richfield, MN. USA
My Biography
Once upon a time, Timmy was taking a walk to the local grocery store. He passed by an alley-way when low and behold, he saw the "Bad kid" his mother had warned him about. Mommy always said that he shouldn't talk to her clients because she
didn't want to pay for him when he got kidnapped. So Timmy kept on walking, trying his best to ignore the bad person, who stepped forward, holding out a piece of candy.

"Well alo dere Timmy! Howd'joo like a TOOTSIE ROLL?!" Asked the man.

"I dunno.....Mommy always told me to stay away from strangers.." Said the boy..pausing for a moment and stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Aww c'mon nows..I ain't no stranger..I comes to your house EEVVVVERY week to play with your Momma! I'm always nice to hers..." Insisted the man..wiggling the candy in front of Timmy's face.

Timmy of course was not amused. Mommy always started screaming whenever the man came over and they went to play in her bedroom. And she always came out with a bloody nose and white powder on her lip..Such things never seemed very nice to
him. With a shake of his head, the boy simply said: "No way, mister. Mommy told me to stay away from you."

Well, the man didn't seem very happy about that. He reached out, grabbing for Timmy. "Raaagh!! You c'mere ya little bitch! I'mmaz do to you what I does to yer momma!!"

Timmy of course screamed and attempted to run away. But cocaine gives you super powers and the man was able to catch him by the collar of his coat. Timmy was carried into the back alley, kicking and hollering, but to no avail..nobody heard him.

Later that night, Timmy awoke and began crawling his way out of the filth and vomit that lined the alley in puddles. He turned to glance behind him..wondering why his pants were missing and his butt hurt. He also realized he couldn't walk.
His pelvis made crunching noises every time he tried to move his legs.

Sobbing, Timmy dragged himself onto the road using his arms. Dirt and grime scraped into his little boy bits, and he was leaving a trail of butt-blood
wherever he went. But soon enough..like a shining beacon, or maybe that "holy" thing that his mother said before she swore shone down upon him.

Bright lights flooded the boys senses and peace washed over him. He felt clean again, renewed. Life was wonderful, and this was just the beginning for him. Smiling, Timmy pushed his face from off the sidewalk, disreguarding the terrible pain he felt in doing so. It was his time for glory, and this was his miricle-*HOOOOOOONNNNNNNKKKK!!!!!!!!*

Moral: Don't talk to strangers. They distract you from oncoming traffic.

Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink