Age: 47
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Dating
Occupation: making arts
Location: montreal Canada
My Biography
DESCRIPTION: i have a big passion for the artificial things and body modifications. i like make-up and i really hate body hair (i shave all fucking parts of my body) and I'm obsessed with appearance.

THINGS I LIKE: absinthe, androgyny, animals, antiques, arts, artificial things, artists, audio, beauty, black lights, body modification, candy, cats, celebrities, cities, classic films, classic monsters, climax, clowns, concerts, experimental arts, fashion, gifts, girls, glamour, hair dye, halloween, hentaï, horror, make-up, mints, modeling, models, movies, music, nightmares, nudity, open minded peoples, perfection, photography, pictures, pills, plastic, platforms, pop art, porn, sarcasm, sex, sex shops, shaved, sounds and sound creation, synthetic, visual, wind, zombies.

THINGS I HATE: body hair, cigarettes, hip hop music, homophobia, insomnia, muscles, my neighbour, people who don't wash herself, rain, religions, sports, sunday, vivisection, when I have to wait, winter.
Lords of Acid - Pretty In Kink